What Just-Math can do for your child

1) Individualised
Each individual student learns based on his / her own ability and progress at their own pace.
Learning Plans are designed specificially for the individual's circumstances.
Children as young as 4 years of age can commence. It is especially beneficial to start a child young. The younger your child starts, the faster your child can achieve the "advance learning" mode.
2) Study At Your Own Pace
If you can learn fast, you progress based on your ability.
If you learn slower, you may stay back to strengthen your area of weakness.
This way no students will be left behind not mastering any essential area(s)
3) Flexible Learning Time Table
Come to class based on your own availability so long as it falls within the centre's opening days and time.
Siblings of different age can also attend classes at the same time.
4) Master The Essential Areas of Study
Important areas of studies are emphasised to strengthen the overall math ability of students
5) We specialised only in Mathematics
This means your child gets the best in learning mathematics here.
Being specialised, we concerntrate on delivering, research, modification and updates of learning materials in mathematics only.
6) We are different from normal tuition centres
In a normal tuition class environment, every child goes through a certain area of learning designed for classroom condition. Every child, whether they are mathematically strong or weak, spent the same amount of time and practice in these areas. As a result, stronger students are forced to wait for weaker students. At the same time, slower students will have to play the unending "catching-up" with stronger students, resulting in non mastery of important areas.
As the class progresses, stronger students are held back and weaker students are not given the opportunity to familiarise, practice and master the needed skills. The most disheartening are the weaker students. As the class progresses, they become weaker and weaker, thus losing interest in mathematics.
The above problem is addressed using the unique "indivudualised learning" method adopted by "Just-Math"
7) Systematic Learning Program
Learning program are specially tailored to facilitate learning.
You are introduced to the basic concepts first, thereafter you get lots of practice to refine your skills leading to mastery.
8) Off Site Service
If you have more than 5 students and can provide a suitable place to conduct classes (e.g. community halls), arrangement can be made for house calls. This service is only available in Penang.
Location Map

Location Map - Located Just Behind Alliance Bank in Farlim
Just-Math @ 12 February 2014

Now renamed as Just-Math, same standards and quality but now with more flexibility and lower learning fees. All these for the benefit of our students.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Mathematics Enrichment Program, Farlim, Penang Malaysia
Rising cost of operation has resulted in a drastic increase in fees for other imported specialized math program. Most imported specialized math program now cost about RM170, i.e. an increase of about 42%. This resulted in a squeeze on parents budget for education.
You can have a good alternative math program with Just-Math. Our fees remained unchanged at RM80 a month. Our program are comparable to that of other specialized imported math program in terms of quality in learning material, results attained, and study focus.
Come and experience the superior math learning method by Just-Math. Your child should be able to experience a steep progress curve with our specialised math program. If your child now lacks the ability to perform calculation at reasonable speed and accuracy, we will be able to help your child.
Call us for an appointment now. We are available at Farlim, Air Itam, Penang, Malaysia.
Mathematics Enrichment Program, Green Lane, Penang, Malaysia
Mathematics Enrichment Program, Penang, Malaysia
Rising cost of operation has resulted in a drastic increase in fees for other imported specialized math program. Most imported specialized math program now cost about RM170, i.e. an increase of about 42%. This resulted in a squeeze on parents budget for education.
You can have a good alternative math program with Just-Math. Our fees remained unchanged at RM80 a month. Our program are comparable to that of other specialized imported math program in terms of quality in learning material, results attained, and study focus.
Come and experience the superior math learning method by Just-Math. Your child should be able to experience a steep progress curve. If your child now lacks the ability to perform calculation at reasonable speed and accuracy, we will be able to help your child.
Call us for an appointment now.